Happy Well = Happy Operator: Why Disposal Well Maintenance is Crucial to the Bottom Line
Dylan Rowe, Staff Engineer III
Disposal wells are an essential part of infrastructure for various sectors in the mining and energy space. With several of these wells working in the background, their performance often goes unnoticed until it begins to interfere with operations. These problems can range from scaling issues and formation damage to mechanical breakdowns and physical constraints, which all lead to a loss in injection volumes and often increases electrical consumption. Peak performance of these wells is vital to ensure workflow within the facility and avoid costly downtime from mitigating failures and efficiency losses, essentially impacting the bottom line.
In addition to our complete well design capabilities, RESPEC keeps wells running efficiently for clients in the potash, storage, and oil and gas sectors by offering:
- Fluids and solids testing and analysis
- Design, procurement, and management of maintenance programs
- Completion and recompletion designs
- Continuous treatment options
- Well intervention and workovers
- Surface facility analysis and design
RESPEC strives to keep injection pressures low and injection rates high. Do not let cashflow or production slip in the background unnoticed from disposal wells being second thought to primary operations.